The entrance to the house is like a business card: it introduces the other rooms and tells our taste. Choosing the right furniture and complements it is as important as choosing the sofa for our living room or the bed for our bedroom.
For this reason the entrance is the environment which most of all should not be neglected but rather cared for in the smallest details. This room should be furnished by choosing a few items, having strong impact, to express our home's style, and being functional and compact, to keep the room light and airy.
Designed by Giuseppe Viganò, with its top in rosewood essence and the base in brushed bronzed steel and leather, the Phoenix consolle expresses both lightness and character, in a perfect balance.
AT 110 - 80 - 55 MIRRORS
These mirrors, in different sizes, are beautiful combined together to decorate a wall, breaking the rigidity of the Phoenix consolle lines thanks to their sophisticated asymmetry. Their authentic originality is based on the stylistic detail and the skilful use of the very different materials choosed to realize them.