Iglù is an intuition born from observing the perfection of the sphere, transformed into a perfect, and unique shape by mesh that, rather than obstruct the light, instead creates a pattern of light and shadow.
The most original things are born simple. A suspended jewel with its intimate, interior light, which makes it mystical and introspective as it rises is space. The 7-light Iglu suspension (model S7) is a composition of elements of different sizes which, thanks to the different heights, create a floating game in space.
Iglu ceiling lights are small jewels that decorate the ceiling. The are available in 3 different sizes and can be used to create luminous compositions. The metal structure is attached to the ceiling, with which it becomes one.
The Iglu 2-element pendant lamp is perfect for illuminating rectangular furnishing elements with character, such as kitchen counters or reception tables. It can be used alone or according to the size of the surface to be illuminated, elements can be repeated creating a scenic and orderly composition.