Light dresses a room, sets a mood, envelops and colours our thoughts. It has the capacity to stimulate creativity, to surround us with a halo of intimacy and enhance the beauty of everything around us. Light is synonymous with character, personality and identity of spaces, objects and people. Warm, functional, industrial, welcoming… A space is defined by the light residing in it.
The hotel Le Ballu pays homage to the 1950s, the golden age of interior design, and its enthusiastic use of colour. A sophisticated dialogue of materials, contemporary pieces and shades masterfully executed thanks to the use of lamps like Theia and Dipping Light indoors and Santorini outside. A truly aesthetic manifesto with which Le Ballu gives its refined discourse.
The stoicism of the authentic, of that which is defined by its simplicity and the beauty of materials in their purest form, is evident in this former farmhouse built in 1739 and restored to stimulate the senses and connect with the splendour of the imperfect. An exercise conducted using raw materials such as wood, present in the iconic Cala, and the functional and singular use of fabric in the hard-wearing Jaima.
When convenience evolved towards its most scholarly form, comfort was born, and with it design made to last. In this paradigm in which each element must have intentionality, light prevails with greater transformative power. This is apparent in the Comfort Hotel, where the use of the majestic Bohemia and the seductive Dipping Light turns the clean, pure geometric shapes of its interior into a suggestive functional space.