Chouchin is a family oflamps that constructs adynamic dialogue betweenform and colour.
The nameindicates the traditional paperand bamboo lanterns usedin Japan as luminous signagefor venues, or as a good
luckcharm to hang outsidehomes.Chouchin suggests theimage of a familiar object thattakes on modern,
essentialstyle thanks to exceptionalcraftsmanship.
The diffuser is a bubbleof blown glass that tapers toa rim in the lower portion,available in three differentmodels. The detail of thecoloured rim is the specialtouch that enhances thepersonality of the ChouchinReverse version. Today the family hasexpanded, with two newcolours – brushed gold for therim of the Chouchin Reverse 1version, glossy black
for therim of Chouchin Reverse 2– both embodying a refinedcontemporary style. The twonew versions are alsoavailable
with a matchinggold or graphite mount.
All three models arenow available in a new,completely white version:lamps that blend the charmof blown glass with personal,
graceful forms, spreadingbright, fluid and enticing lightdownward and throughoutthe space.
A new wall version is alsomaking its debut. A personal,discreet form in shiny blownglass, for a glare-free, warmand gentle glow.
Chouchin Semi comeswith a wall attachment inwhite, gold or graphite coatedmetal, and it is also perfectwhen installed on
colouredwalls, for a vivid graphiceffect. The rim closing theglass projects a triangleof more intense lightdownward.
It is ideal for bothdomestic contexts andcollective facilities: in theentrance, the living area,the kitchen, over a peninsulaor a table, in any corner thatrequires a combination ofdiffused, atmosphericbrightness and a beamof light aimed towards a surface.
Arrayed in compositionswith various forms andcolours, thanks to the linearor round multiple attachmentsby Foscarini, Chouchin canalso make large spaces feelwarm and intimate.