The idea behind these bookshelves is that of playing withshapes and juxtaposing different modules to create a variety ofvisual effects. The Dogma bookshelves are designed around abasic element, namely the tear-drop-shaped uprights whichchange the visual perception. The design thus becomesrounded and soft or sharper and narrower depending on theangle from which it is viewed. The Dogma collection has threedifferent modules which can be combined at will. They featuredifferent spacing between the uprights, which when placedside by side, allow different combinations to be created. TheDogma bookshelves can be placed along a wall or free-standingin the centre of the room acting as a partition between twoareas.The Dogma bookshelves are available with Canalettowalnut or coal oak shelves combined with metal uprights, or inmonocolor version.