Funivia is a functional network of tangible and intangible relations that is free and inclusive and
can evolve through the cooperation of its elements.
It starts out from the essential, with a “mountaineering” spirit, discovering a
new level of freedom of light in spaces.
A rope, the cable that supplies the energy and the nails, the elements used to fix within space,
form the basis with which to make great progress, going far beyond the limits dictated by the rigidity of systems.
Funivia is a functional network of tangible and intangible relations that is free and inclusive and can
evolve through the cooperation of its elements.
It starts out from the essential, with a “mountaineering” spirit, discovering a new
level of freedom of light in spaces.
A rope, the cable that supplies the energy and the nails, the elements used to fix within space, form the
basis with which to make great progress, going far beyond the limits dictated by the rigidity of systems.
It is not bound to an electricity grid or a predefined project; it can
enter any space at any time and design light with the utmost freedom; it can generate an extraordinary
quality of performance, even without a specific system or intervention in space being envisaged.
A structure is thus created that can integrate light, intelligence, spatial partitions and
panels with acoustic properties, to mention just a few.
The light elements are connected to the cable via a “bridge” element, a sort of electricity
connection that mechanically fixes the appliance and takes the energy from the cable to power it.
Funivia breaks a common scheme to existing lighting systems, relegating the
rigidity of fixed modules (in space, stock and production) to a thing of the past.